Lawn Fawn [Sophie’s Sentiments + Bannerific]

Hi there! It’s me again with another sneak peek of the new Lawn Fawn sets for this month: Sophie’s Sentiments and Bannerific :D. In addition to those fun sets I used for my card some of the images from Bake Me a Cake and Harold’s ABCs 🙂 It is really fun to play with the stamp sets. You can create original cards by combining them, using different colors of card stock and embellishments 😀  This is how my card looks:

Happy Birthday

All the new sets are going to be available for purchase as of August 12th! and don’t forget to stop by the Lawn Fawn Blog :D, and also visit my DTM pals below for more inspiration:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!


Lawn Fawn [Sophie’s Sentiments + Bannerific]

Hi everyone! I just came back from Mexico two days ago after spending twelve days there. It really makes me happy to be able to post a card again 🙂 So, today’s card is to show you a sneak peek from Sophie’s Sentiments and Bannerific, that are two of the new super fun Lawn Fawn sets for this month 😉 Please take a look:

Happy Anniversary
Don’t forget to hop over to the Lawn Fawn Blog (Kelly always has a giveaway there 😉 ) You can also visit my DTM pals below for more inspiration:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!


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If you want to leave me a comment, please click→ here

Lawn Fawn [Judy’s Blooms]

Hi! Today I have  the second and last Lawn Fawn sneak peek of this month. This set is called “Judy’s Blooms” and as you can imagine, this set includes flower images!  Remember that the two new LF stamp sets are going to be available for sale in the Lawn Fawn store as of July 8th!!!!
Well, when I have a design in mind, but I kind of feel that I am still missing something to put my ideas into a card, I look for inspiration on the web. So this morning, I found the extra push that I needed at MFW Tuesday Trigger. And this is the card that I created using some of the images of “Judy’s Blooms”


Don’t forget to hop over to the Lawn Fawn Blog , and also to visit my DTM pals below for more inspiration:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!


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If you want to leave me a comment, click here

Lawn Fawn [Swimsuit Season]

Hi there!!! I hope you all had a great weekend. We really enjoyed all the festivities around here. Anyhow, I can not believe that is already July!!!  So today I have the first Lawn Fawn sneak peek of this month 🙂  My card is showing some of the fun images that are included in “Swimsuit Season“. I colored them using Copic markers, but I think these stamps are also perfect for the piecing technique:

Have Fun!
Please mark your calendars: this set is going to be available in the store as of July 8th :) For more inspiration please hop over to Lawn Fawn Blog or click on the names of my DTM pals below:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!


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If you want to leave me a comment, click here

Two Cards using Lawn Fawn Stamps

Hi!!! I am back… I have two more Lawn Fawn cards to share :D. I started making them last night, but I was really tired so, today I finished them while I was watching the soccer game 🙂 I was not a soccer fan before, but since my kids have been playing soccer for two years … Now I can understand a little bit more about the game and I have to admit that I like it. Anyhow, here is my first card that features “Critters in the Sea” All the images that are included in this set are adorable:


I also made another card using “Bake Me A Cake”… For this one I used a K&Company patterned paper (Happy Trails) and I just took advantage of the paper design for my cake 😀 Please check it out:

Happy Birthday

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!


Lawn Fawn [Bake Me a Cake]

Hey there! It’s me again 😀 Today is the last Lawn Fawn‘s sneak peek for this month.  Bake Me a Cake is the name of this new super cute set, and it is perfect to make birthday cards. If you are one who loves to play by combining stamps, this set is for you. It has lots of stamps that you can mix and match to create your very own cake image… It is something similar to making a cake from scratch 😉  My cake has three layers, but you can even make it taller :D. I used flowers to decorate it, but you have more decorations choices… It sounds like a lot of fun, right?…Remember that all the new sets are going to be available for sale as of June 3rd. Please check out my birthday card:

Happy Birthday

Don’t forget to stop by the Lawn Fawn Blog :D, and also visit my DTM pals below for more inspiration:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!


Lawn Fawn [Harold’s ABCs]

Hi! This is the second Lawn Fawn‘s sneak peek for the week. The name of this new stamp set is Harold’s ABCs, and with it, you can create your very own sentiments or even personalize your projects. For my card I used two of the images of Criter’s in the Burbs and a little flower and stem from Petite Florals. I created a sentiment  around the focal point using Harold’s ABCs. Here is how it looks:

Have a Purrfect day!

Remember to hop over to the Lawn Fawn Blog :D, and also visit my DTM pals below for more inspiration:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by :D Thanks for your comments!
