A Card for MFW: Fun with Fabric Challenge

Happy Friday everyone! There is a fun challenge going on at Moxie Fab World: Fun with Fabric . If you would like to participate, there is still plenty of time. The card I made for this challenge is feauturing three super cute Lawn Fawn stamp sets. The tree, the playful squirrel, and the butterfly are images that are included in one of my favorites sets: “Critters in the Burbs”. I used fabric to create the grass, a piece of denim for the tree foliage, and a piece of cork for the trunk. Well, if you have never seen a denim tree before, here is one 😉  The cloud image is from “Partly Cloudy”, and I stamped it twice using StazOn Opaque Cotton White. I also outlined the clouds using a white pen. The squirrel and the butterly are stamped on patterned paper, and I adhered them using foam tape. To finalize my card I stamped the sentiment that is included in “Just my Type” on one of the clouds, I drew the butterfly trail by hand using a black pen,  and of course, I added stitches, and some buttons.  This how it looks:


Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


You’re Just My Type

Hi there! The card I am sharing today is featuring Lawn Fawn Just My Type stamp set:

Just My Type

Isn’t this retro typewriter super cute? What I love about it, is that you can interchange the sentiments in the blank page :D. You can even use the ones that are included in Just My Type Too 😉

Thanks for peeking 🙂 Thanks for all your sweet comments. I really appreciate them.


Lawn Fawn Store Opens Today!

Hey there! I don’t know about you guys but, I am really excited with the grand opening of the Lawn Fawn store today!!! Woooohoooo!!! for Kelly Marie, Mike, and  Ericka! It is awesome to see how they  have made a dream come true!! So inspiring 🙂 (sigh) That is something that nobody should ever stop  doing: dreaming, right? I am happy to be a little part of that dream and, I can’t wait to see all of those fabulous stamps here and  there on your blogs! yaaay!!! 😀

Today as part of this great event, I made  a card using Petite Florals and Sew Lovely stamps sets:

Cute as a Button

I made my card using last week’s Mojo Sketch 128. I used some of my favorites techniques, and products on it: stitching, Copic Markers and Distress Inks.  I made the patterned paper using one of the flowers of Petite Florals; I stamped the image randomly in different colors of chalk ink. As my focal point I used an image from Sew Lovely and I colored it with Copic Markers.

From now on all Lawn Fawn stamp sets are available for purchase. As you can see, you can combine, mix and match, or do what ever your creativity comes up with to create original projects 😀

Be sure  to hop over to Lawn Fawn Blog to check out the complete 4 stamp sets 😉 And, you can also see what the rest of the DT have created using these fantastic stamps, by clicking on their names below:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by  :D Thanks for your comments!



Lawn Fawn [Sew Lovely]

Hello everyone! I am very excited about Lawn Fawn’s launch 🙂 As a start, there will be four stamp sets available for sale shortly. As of today and over the next few days, the other DT members and I will be sharing cards with sneak peeks of some of these awesome stamps. These clear stamps are made with a high quality photopolymer, and as a plus they are made in the USA!!!!. 😉 The grand opening for the Lawn Fawn store will be on March 10th at 12:01am EST. yaaay!!!!

My card for the first sneak peek is featuring one of the images of the Sew Lovely stamp set. I used Copic markers to color this pretty stamp.  Please check it out:


For more inspiration, please hop over to Lawn Fawn Blog or click on the names of my DTM pals below:

Ashley Cannon Newell
Jessica Rosario
Latisha Yoast
Lynnette Kauffman
Sarah Martina Parker
Tiffany Johnson

Thanks for stopping by 😀 Thanks for your comments!
