A JD Card [You Are Amazing]

Hey there!

Just popping in really quick to share a card featuring one of the newest stamp sets by Jane’s Doodles: Wise Owl


I used two of the feather images to create the background, and an oval+sentiment as the base for the pretty owl. I simply gold heat-embossed the owl, and this time I colored the image using Distress markers. Let me tell you that the first time I tried these markers, I wasn’t very impressed with the results. But I decided to give them a second try. So I  used them as if they were watercolor paints (On an acrylic block+water+brush) and I just loved the results. The colors are so pretty! I think that soon I will be buying more Distress markers 🙂 Have you already tried them?

Well, that’s all from me for today, I will be back soon to share another project.

Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Have a wonderful crafty week!


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